GitHub Universe concluded recently with the release of their annual State of the Octoverse 2020. This year's report offers insights on a year like no other. The main take way from the OctoVerse is: The developer community is strong and resilient even through major disruption and change.

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The Progressive Web App (PWA) movement continues to grow now that Google will officially support in-app purchasing leveraging Google Play payments on Chromebooks and Android devices. The feature is slated to be released with Chrome OS 89 in March 21 but can currently be tested in Chrome OS 88 behind a release flag.

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As a developer, you probably have had to use multiple languages in the various projects you work on. With over 600 notable programming languages worldwide and technology changing so rapidly, it can get confusing on which programming languages are trending up or down. In the spirit of continuous learning, here are a list of top 5 programming languages for 2021 that would benefit you well to have in your toolkit to ensure you stay marketable.

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While DevOps is a culture and mindset at its heart, there are a plethora of tools that will help bring that culture to life. See below for a list of tools you should consider to help achieve your ultimate goal of decreasing time to market and increasing quality.

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ECMSAScript 2020 is the latest update to the ECMA-262 scripting language standard. However, the update from ES5 (2009) to ES6 (2015) took 6 years to develop, offering a substantial amount of new features that made JavaScript feel almost like a complete new language. Thus, it’s important to review some of these features in ES6 so that you can continue your journey of JavaScript mastery.

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You’re excited to start your new website and start laying down a skeleton layout that includes a header and a footer. You add some sample pages only to discover that your footer section won’t stay at the bottom on pages with minimal content. This scenario happens all too often and used to require quirky fixes until the more recent flexbox and CSS grid features.

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Cloud computing continues to shape up as the way of the future for industries looking to have scalable, reliable, and cost effective methods technical solutions for their business. With Cloud Computing spending expected to grow at least 6x more than IT Spending through 2021 (Forbes), it’s important to know the common cloud service models out there that you may choose from.

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